
Primary LanguageJava

Seed code - Boilerplate for step 6 - Activity Stream Assignment

Assignment Step Description

In this case study Activity Stream Step 6, we will implement REST-based Microservices with Spring Boot. In this step, we will create this application in four parts

    1. UserService
    2. CircleService
    3. UserCircleService
    4. MessageService

Steps to be followed:

Step 1: Clone the boilerplate in a specific folder on your local machine and import the same in your eclipse STS.
Step 2: Go thru the readme.md file and implement the code for UserService and run the test cases.
Step 3: Go thru the readme.md file and implement the code for CircleService  and run the test cases.
Step 4: Go thru the readme.md file and implement the code for UserCircleService and run the test cases.
Step 5: Go thru the readme.md file and implement the code for MessageService and run the test cases.

Project structure

The folders and files you see in this repositories, is how it is expected to be in projects, which are submitted for automated evaluation by Hobbes

├── step6-circleservice-solution           // This is the microservice of Circle   
├── step6-messageservice-solution          // This is the microservice of Message   
├── step6-usercircleservice-solution       // This is the microservice of User Circle   
├── step6-userservice-solution             // This is the microservice of User   
├── .gitignore			                    // This file contains a list of file name that are supposed to be ignored by git 
├── .hobbes   			                    // Hobbes specific config options, such as type of evaluation schema, type of tech stack etc., Have saved a default values for convenience
├── .project			                    // This is automatically generated by eclipse, if this file is removed your eclipse will not recognize this as your eclipse project. 
└── pom.xml 			                    // This is the parent POM, which holds Backend project and REST project dependencies.

PS: All lint rule files are by default copied during the evaluation process, however if need to be customizing, you should copy from this repo and modify in your project repo

To use this as a boilerplate for your new project, you can follow these steps

  1. Clone the base boilerplate in the folder assignment-solution-step6 of your local machine

    git clone https://gitlab-wd.stackroute.in/stack_java_activitystream/activitystream-step6-boilerplate.git assignment-solution-step6

  2. Navigate to assignment-solution-step6 folder

    cd assignment-solution-step6

  3. Remove its remote or original reference

    git remote rm origin

  4. Create a new repo in gitlab named assignment-solution-step6 as private repo

  5. Add your new repository reference as remote

    git remote add origin https://gitlab-dev.stackroute.in/{{yourusername}}/assignment-solution-step6

    Note: {{yourusername}} should be replaced by your username from gitlab

  6. Check the status of your repo

    git status

  7. Use the following command to update the index using the current content found in the working tree, to prepare the content staged for the next commit.

    git add .

  8. Commit and Push the project to git

    git commit -a -m "Initial commit | or place your comments according to your need"

    git push -u origin master

  9. Check on the git repo online, if the files have been pushed

Important instructions for Participants

  • We expect you to write the assignment on your own by following through the guidelines, learning plan, and the practice exercises
  • The code must not be plagirized, the mentors will randomly pick the submissions and may ask you to explain the solution
  • The code must be properly indented, code structure maintained as per the boilerplate and properly commented
  • Follow through the problem statement shared with you

Further Instructions on Release

*** Release 0.1.0 ***

  • Right click on the Assignment select Run As -> spring boot app to run your Assignment.
  • Right click on the Assignment select Run As -> JUnit Test to run your Assignment.