
Example of SQL-style joins in R from Carl Boettiger's Spring 2018 EPSM 288 course

Primary LanguageR

Build Status

Team Members:

  • Chelsea Andreozzi, candreozzi
  • Dana Miller, dmgt


All work for this assignment is in the assignment directory. We worked in the .Rmd notebook, and commited our rendered output files (.md and associated files) in the assignment directory as well.

Special files

All team repositories also include most of the special files found here:

Common files

  • README.md this file, a general overview of the repository in markdown format.
  • .gitignore Optional file, ignore common file types we don't want to accidentally commit to GitHub. Most projects should use this.
  • <REPO-NAME>.Rproj Optional, an R-Project file created by RStudio for it's own configuration. Some people prefer to .gitignore this file.

Infrastructure for Testing

  • .travis.yml: A configuration file for automatically running continuous integration checks to verify reproducibility of all .Rmd notebooks in the repo. If all .Rmd notebooks can render successfully, the "Build Status" badge above will be green (build success), otherwise it will be red (build failure).
  • DESCRIPTION a metadata file for the repository, based on the R package standard. It's main purpose here is as a place to list any additional R packages/libraries needed for any of the .Rmd files to run.
  • tests/render_rmds.R an R script that is run to execute the above described tests, rendering all .Rmd notebooks.