
Work in progress to create an RMarkdown journal article template for the building science group at UC Berkeley

Primary LanguageTeX


Work in progress to create an RMarkdown journal article template for the building science group at UC Berkeley

How to use this repo

  • This repository contains all the code and data for this template

  • To re-run the code to reproduce all of the text and figures in this template paper:

    • Fork this repository (green button)
    • Create a new RStudio project using the url for your new copy of the repository, which will download all of the files locally to the computer you are working on
    • Knit the file Manuscript.Rmd (you can do this by navigating to it in the Files pane, under /Paper/Manuscript/, and clicking "knit")
      • You may need to install some additional error packages if prompted to do so by errors during the knit.
      • The packages used in this template are tidyverse, here, knitr, stargazer, ggpmisc.
    • This will generate a pdf file (Manuscript.pdf) in addition to files ending in .fff, .spl, .tex
  • The bibliographic infomration for the citations in this paper is stored in Template.bib