
A C++ interface between the Myo armband and Arduino

Primary LanguageC++

A C++ interface between the Myo armband and Arduino

Basic useful feature list:

  • Gesture based control
  • Real time evaluation of the gestures
  • Writing to serial port
  • Population Json with gesture based information

Adding the SDK to a Visual Studio Project:

  • Installed the Myo SDK for Windows.
  • Put it into a easy-to-find location
  • Installed Myo Connect
  • Installed GitHub extension in VS
  • After you've installed the github extenstion you'll have to:
    • Go to the Team Explorer
    • Sign into Github
    • Clone this repository
  • After you've cloned the repository you'll have to link it with the SDK
  • This link, a bit down shows what has to loaded into the project to make it work with the SDK https://developer.thalmic.com/docs/api_reference/platform/the-sdk.html
    • You'll have to right click on the project, where you see the c++ files
      • Properites
      • C/C++ -> Additional Include Directories
        • Add the include directory of the SDK
    • Linker -> General
      • Add the lib directory of the SDK
    • Linker -> Input
      • If the lib file is missing add it from the SDK, but it shouldn't. The DLL file should also be in your project folder if you clone from GitHub.

Stuff used to make this: