
Items to be put in a bucket are items that will need to be done by the owner in the near future

Primary LanguagePython

Build Status Coverage Status CircleCI


Items to be put in a bucket are items that will need to be done by the owner in the near future.

Heroku Hosted App

"It is a list of all the goals you want to achieve, dreams you want to fulfill and life experiences you desire to experience before you die."

Functionality Method Route
Logs a user in POST /api/v1/auth/login
Register a user POST /api/v1/auth/register
Create a new bucket list POST /api/v1/bucketlists
List all the created bucket lists GET /api/v1/bucketlists/int:id
Get single bucket list GET /api/v1/bucketlists/int:id
Update this bucket list PUT /api/v1/bucketlists/int:id
Delete this single bucket list DELETE /api/v1/bucketlists/int:id
Create a bucket list item POST /api/v1/bucketlists/int:id/items
Update a bucket list item PUT /api/v1/bucketlists/int:id/items/int:id
Delete a bucket list item DELETE /api/v1/bucketlists/int:id/items/int:id

A-BucketList Project Setup

  • Installation: 1. Create a virtual environment by running the command. virtualenv --python=python3 venv-flask

         2. Activate the virtualenv by running
         ``source venv-flask/bin/activate``
  • Clone the repo https://github.com/andela-dmigwi/A-BucketList.git

  • Database setup Run the following commands: 1. python manage.py db init 2. python manage.py db migrate 3. python manage.py db upgrade

  • Launch the system Run the following commands: 1. python manage.py runserver

  • Run Tests Run : 1. tox

The api's input is mainly a JSON file, apart from the login/registation section where form data can be passed

Register a User

This section allows a new user to be created:

        **Content-Type**: ``application/json`` or ``application/  x-www-form-urlencoded``
        **Valid Input**: ``{"username":"user1", "password":"pass1"}``
        **Expected Response**: 
                        - On success: Status Code 201
                        > {"Message" : "Registration successful"}
                        - On failure: status code 400
                        > {"Error" : "Your password or username is empty or wasn't found"}


This section allows a user to login:

        **Content-Type**: ``application/json`` or ``application/x-www-form-urlencoded``
        **Valid Input**: ``{"username":"user1", "password":"pass1"}``
        **Expected Response**: 
                        - On success: Status Code 201
                        >  {"Authorization" : "Bearer <your-token>"}
                        - On failure: status code 400
                        > {"Error" : "Your password or username is empty or wasn't found"}

Create a New Bucket List

This section allows a new bucket list to be created:

        **Authorization**: ``Bearer <your-token>``
        **Content-Type**: ``application/json`` 
        **Valid Input**:  ``{"name": "BucketList 1"}``
        **Expected Response**: 
                        - On success: Status Code 200 OK
                        > {
                              "created_by": "user1",
                              "date_created": "2016-11-11 00:21:42",
                              "date_modified": "2016-11-11 00:21:42",
                              "id": 21,
                              "item": [],
                              "name": "BucketList 1"
                        - On failure: status code 400
                        > Bad Request  (*When no parameter is passed*)

List all created bucket lists

This section allows all bucket list to be retrieved:

        **Authorization**: ``Bearer <your-token>``
        **Expected Response**: 
                        - On success: Status Code 200 OK
                        > {
                          "1": {
                            "created_by": "user1", 
                            "date_created": "2016-11-09 14:39:29", 
                            "date_modified": "2016-11-09 14:49:05", 
                            "id": 2, 
                            "item": [], 
                            "name": "That wasn't cool"
                        - On failure: status code 400
                        > `{"Error" : "Your password or username is empty or wasn't found"}`  

Get Single bucket list

This section allows a retreiving of a single bucket list:

        **Authorization**: ``Bearer <your-token>``
        **Expected Response**: 
                        - On success: Status Code 200 OK
                        >  {
                                "created_by": "user1", 
                                "date_created": "2016-11-09 14:45:40", 
                                "date_modified": "2016-11-09 15:08:32", 
                                "id": 10, 
                                "item": [
                                    "bucketlist_id": 10, 
                                    "date_created": "2016-11-09 15:08:32", 
                                    "date_modified": "2016-11-09 15:08:32", 
                                    "done": false, 
                                    "id": 7, 
                                    "name": "Clinton Win Postponed"
                                "name": "She passed next to me"
                        - On failure: status code 400
                        > {"Error" : "Delete Failed: Bucketlist Id 1 was not found"

Update this bucket list

This section allows a new user to be created:

        **Authorization**: ``Bearer <your-token>``
        **Content-Type**: ``application/json``
        **Valid input**: ``{"name": "edited bucketlist"}``
        **Expected Response**: 
                        - On success: Status Code 201
                        > {
                            "created_by": "user1", 
                            "date_created": "2016-11-09 14:39:29", 
                            "date_modified": "2016-11-09 14:49:05", 
                            "id": 2, 
                            "item": [], 
                            "name": "Editted bUcketlist"
                        - On failure: status code 400
                        > {"Error" : "Update Failed: Bucketlist Id 1 was not found"  

Delete this single bucket list

This section allows a single bucket list to be deleted:

        **Authorization**: ``Bearer <your-token>``
        **Expected Response**: 
                        - On success: Status Code 204
                        - On failure: status code 400
                        > {"Error" : "Delete Failed: Bucketlist Id 1 was not found"  

Create a bucket list item

This section allows a new bucket list item to be created:

        **Authorization**: ``Bearer <your-token>``
        **Content-Type**: ``application/json``
        **Valid input**: ``{"name":" new item"}``
        **Expected Response**: 
                        - On success: Status Code 201
                        > {
                            "bucketlist_id": 10, 
                            "date_created": "2016-11-09 15:08:32", 
                            "date_modified": "2016-11-09 15:08:32", 
                            "done": false, 
                            "id": 7, 
                            "name": "Clinton Win Postponed"
                        - On failure: status code 400
                        > {"Error" : "Create Failed: Bucketlist Id 1 was not found" 

Update a bucket list item

This section allows a bucket list item to be updated:

        **Authorization**: ``Bearer <your-token>``
        **Content-Type**: ``application/json``
        **Valid input**: ``{"name":" editted"}`` or ``{"name":"edit", "done":true}``
        **Expected Response**: 
                        - On success: Status Code 201
                        > {
                            "bucketlist_id": 10, 
                            "date_created": "2016-11-09 15:08:32", 
                            "date_modified": "2016-11-09 15:08:32", 
                            "done": false, 
                            "id": 7, 
                            "name": "Clinton Win Postponed"
                        - On failure: status code 400
                        > {"Error" : "Update Failed: Bucketlist Id 1 was not found"  

Delete a bucket list item

This section allows a bucket list to be deleted:

        **Authorization**: ``Bearer <your-token>``
        **Expected Response**: 
                        - On success: Status Code 204
                        - On failure: status code 400
                        > {"Error" : "Delete Failed: Bucketlist Id 1 was not found"} 


Works the same way as a GET method only that an argument has been added to the url, parameter q with name to be searched is provided.

GET http://localhost:5555/bucketlists?q=bucket1

Bucket lists with the string “bucket1” in their name.


Works by providing a limit paramater that specify the number of items that should be retrieved

GET http://localhost:5555/bucketlists?limit=20&page=1

20 bucket list records belonging to the logged in user.

Done By Migwi Ndung'u @2016