
This repo is used to demo deno concepts followed during udemy training

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Deno playground

This repo is created based on Deno Udemy training.


# install deno on linux/mac
curl -fsSL https://deno.land/x/install/install.sh | sh

# add DENO to PATH ()
# I added to your .profile file
export DENO_INSTALL="/home/dusan/.deno"

# install VSC plugin
  • Install DENO VSC plugin

Basic DENO commands

# show all options
deno --help

# run app
deno run <fileName>

# installation so it can be runned
deno install <file>
# see options for installation
deno install --help

# upgrade deno
deno upgrade

Third party modules

On DENO website there is a list of third party modules. You can also use Pika CDN as it seems to be first to host DENO modules.


The external dependecies are downloaded and cached after first execution. In the documentation it is stated that modules are cached in the $DENO_DIR folder. Depending on OS this is different location. You can change the location by changin $DENO_DIR value.

It might be beneficial to keep project dependecies in the local deno_dir folder. To do this

# create directory in your project
mkdir deno_dir
# set $DENO_DIR (temporary)
export DENO_DIR="./deno_dir"
# run deno to cache files
deno cache mod.ts

Managing versions

To select specific version of the module you specify version in the url. On github you can see what version branches are created for a specific module. In the caching folder the example downloads the latest version (if no version is specified), otherwize you specify it in url using @<version-number>

// importing specific version @0.60.0
import {assert} from "https://deno.land/std@0.60.0/testing/asserts.ts"

Managing dependencies

The advices approach about managing dependencies is to use deps.ts file as a list of all external dependencies for a module. Then in the module we do export from deps.ts file. See caching folder.

// deps.ts file
// exports all dependencies
export { assert, assertEquals } from "https://deno.land/std@0.60.0/testing/asserts.ts"

// in your file you importing from local dept.ts file
import {assertEquals} from "./dept.ts"

Locking dependecies

Official documentation about locking dependencies files.

# Create/update the lock file "lock.json".
deno cache --lock=lock.json --lock-write deps.ts

DENO tools

Main deno tools can be found on the official repo

# bundle github file to local bundle?!?
deno bundle https://deno.land/std/examples/colors.ts colors.bundle.js

# show dependencies
deno info template/mod.ts