
JavaScript Cloud/Web Desktop Platform

Primary LanguageJavaScriptOtherNOASSERTION


OS.js is a desktop implementation for your browser with a fully-fledged window manager, Application APIs, GUI toolkits and filesystem abstraction.

Works in any modern browser and can be deployed on any platform using Node or PHP.

Is available under the BSD-2-Clause

You can read more on the official homepage

Current version: Alpha

bitHound Score Built with Grunt Gitter


I have a demo running on my server: http://osjsv2.0o.no

Please note that it may be unavailable at times and slightly out-of-date.



Just run the automated installer and you will be ready to go:

NIX: curl -sS http://os.js.org/installer | sh

Windows: http://os.js.org/installer.exe

Make sure to read the installation documentation before you begin. There you will also find instructions on how to download and install manually.

How to contribute

Just send me a pull-request on Github if you have any changes you would like to see integrated.

You can also use the Github bug-tracker to report bugs or add feature requests.

My contact information is located on my Github profile

Want to join the testing team?

Want to join the translation team?

Got questions or suggestions?


Social Media
