
Example of Navigation SDK Futzing up SwiftUI Keyboard Avoidance

Primary LanguageSwift


A .netrc file in your home directory (e.g. ~/username/.netrc) is also required to download mapbox-navigation > v0.35.

For the most up to date directions click here

Initial Setup / Run

To get up and running several prerequisites and dependencies must be installed. To get fully setup run this single command.

make init

Then open NavigationPresentationLayoutIssue.xcodeproj in Xcode

Reproduction Instructions

  1. Run initial Setup steps
  2. Insert YOUR mapbox token into the Info.plist
  3. Run the app and Show Navigation. A short async fetch for direction will occur, please give a few seconds since this doesn't have async button feedback.
  4. Upon dismiss, tap in the TextField and see it scroll off to the top of the screen. If in the simulator you may need to tap Command + k to bring the keyboard up


I'm seeing several Constraint Breaks

"<NSLayoutConstraint:0x600003c09b80 H:[UIButton:0x7fe5bc49ce40]-(8)-| (active, names: '|':MapboxNavigation.NavigationMapView:0x7fe5bd530000 )>", "<NSLayoutConstraint:0x600003cffbb0 MapboxNavigation.NavigationMapView:0x7fe5bd530000.trailing == MapboxNavigation.NavigationView:0x7fe5bc683490.trailing (active)>", "<NSLayoutConstraint:0x600003cff750 UIButton:0x7fe5bc49ce40.trailing == MapboxNavigation.NavigationView:0x7fe5bc683490.trailing - 10 (active)>"

If I use other UIViewController instances such as UIViewController instead of Mapbox NavigationViewController the textField behaves as would expect

📱 Gifs

Presenting Mapbox NavigationViewController Presenting Generic ViewController ImagePicker vs NavigationViewController's behavior
withNavigationViewController withGenericViewController imagePickerVsNavigation
For some odd reason, when presenting the Nav View, the keyboard avoidance goes haywire When using a basic UIViewController it seems to behave fine This is a clearer example of the differentiated behavior given ImagePickerView displays content inside