
Demonstraition of reproduction of https://github.com/braintree/braintree_ios/issues/484

Primary LanguageSwift


Demonstraition of reproduction of Issue 484

Project Setup:

Provide a small project with a similar setup of integrating Braintree-iOS via Carthage submodules


  1. Clone repo with SSH (scripts use ssh)
  2. run setup script bin/init which installs Homebrew/Carthage

This initial project is sestup to use my forks as commiting a dirty repo is problematic and is easier to be seen in person when updating to the latest braintree-ios release.

How to Repro a Dirty dependency

Initial Repo is running with my fork which shows a clean resolved cartfile as well as submdule.


  • Open Cartfile to edit
  • Comment out my forks in favor of braintree's leaving only the braintree dependencies
# Dependencies which dirty our repo
 github "braintree/braintree_ios" ~> 4.0
 github "braintree/braintree-ios-drop-in" ~> 7.0
  • Run bin/update which updates the dependencies to latest. This should yield submodules, Cartfile.resolved, .gitmodules being updates. Of which, the only issue is in the braintree-ios submodule directory being dirt for reasons mentioned in the issue.