
:running: Asynchronous side effects, without the nonsense

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

Logo npm version license

🏃 Asynchronous side effects, without the nonsense.

useAsyncEffect(async () => {
  await doSomethingAsync();


npm install use-async-effect


yarn add use-async-effect

This package ships with TypeScript and Flow types.


The API is the same as React's useEffect(), except for some notable differences:

  • The destroy function is passed as an optional second argument:
useAsyncEffect(callback, dependencies?);
useAsyncEffect(callback, onDestroy, dependencies?);
  • The async callback will receive a single function to check whether the component is still mounted:
useAsyncEffect(async isMounted => {
  const data1 = await fn1();
  if (!isMounted()) return;

  const data2 = await fn2();
  if (!isMounted()) return;

  doSomething(data1, data2);


Basic mount/unmount

useAsyncEffect(async () => console.log('mount'), () => console.log('unmount'), []);

Omitting destroy

useAsyncEffect(async () => console.log('mount'), []);

Handle effect result in destroy

useAsyncEffect(() => fetch('url'), (result) => console.log(result));

Making sure it's still mounted before updating component state

useAsyncEffect(async isMounted => {
  const data = await fetch(`/users/${id}`).then(res => res.json());
  if (!isMounted()) return;
}, [id]);