Pure python implementation of the simplex method solver for linear programming (LP) problem, supporting floating-point and exact rational computations.
In short, it solves constrained optimization problems, where objective function is linear, and is subject to a number of linear constraints, equalities and/or inequalities.
c1 x1 + c2 x2 + .... + cn xn -> min
⎧ a11 x1 + a12 x2 + .... + a1n xn <= b1
⎪ ...
⎪ am1 x1 + am2 x2 + .... + amn xn <= b1
⎪ e11 x1 + e12 x2 + .... + e1n xn = f1
⎪ ...
⎩ ek1 x1 + ek2 x2 + .... + ekn xn = f1
Current implementation does not use dual method.
The library provides one core function:
def linsolve( c, ineq_left=(), ineq_right=(), eq_left=(), eq_right=(),
nonneg_variables = None, num=None, verbose=False, do_coerce=True):
Arguments are:
: defines objective function. List of coefficients.ineq_left
define set of inequality constraints.eq_left
define equality constraintsnonneg_variables
: list of variables (0-based integers) that are known to be non-negative.num
Numeric system implementation (see "Generic computation" below). Defaults to finite-precision floating point numbers.
Consider the following problem: find maximum of the function 8x + 12y
given the constraints:
2x + 4y <= 440
x/2 + y/4 <= 65
2x + 2.5y <= 320
This can be solved by the code:
A = [[2, 4 ],
[0.5, 0.25],
[2, 2.5 ]]
C = [-8, -14]
B = [440, 65, 320]
resolution, sol = linsolve( C, ineq_left = A, ineq_right = B))
The resolution is RESOLUTION_SOLVED, and solution is [60, 80]
An attempt is done to generalize calculations. This allows to solve LP problems, using arbitrary number implementations, not limiting to floating-point arithmetic. This is done by defining Typeclass objects, that are collections of methods for operations on numbers (naming inspired by Haskell).
Currently, 2 complete Typeclasses are provided:
- usesfloat
data type, default for numeric computations. This data type is imprecise by its nature, so tolerance value should be specified (default is 1e-6).RationalNumbers
- performs exact, no rounding computations, using Python's built-in implementation of rational numbers:feactions.Fraction
. Since computations are done exactly, no tolerance value is required.
Library user can define other type classes to work with different number implementations. Plausible extensions are sympy expressions, mpl numbers.
Each Typeclass is an object, providing a set of methods, defined in a base NumberTypeclass
class NumberTypeclass:
def zero(self): return 0
def one(self): return 1
def positive(self,x): return x > 0
def iszero(self,x): return x == 0
def nonnegative(self,x): return self.positive(x) or self.iszero(x)
def coerce(self, x): return x
def coerce_vec(self, x): return [self.coerce(xi) for xi in x]
def coerce_mtx(self, x): return [self.coerce_vec(xi) for xi in x]
Redefine them to return and operate on values or required numeric type.
The coerce
method is provided for testing convenience and not actually required by the algorithm. It converts value of arbitrary type to the numeric type, supported by the Typeclass.
The implementation is pure python, using lists internally. This could lead to inferior performance, when working with large-scale problems, using floating point numbers.
When possible, specify which variables of the problem are known to be non-negative. This improves performance and reduces memory use, because each variable or arbitrary sign is replaced by a difference of 2 non-negative variables.
Currently, purely redundant conditions of the form:
0 x1 + 0 x2 + ... + 0 xn = 0
are not supported, algorithm incorrectly concludes that conditions are not satisfiable.