
Parse and query object change history

Primary LanguageHTML

Changes DB

A pandas powered object state explorer with a web front-end.



First install the necessary python packages:

    $ pip install -r requirements.txt

Next, run the server:

    $ python server.py

Then go to, upload a valid CSV file and start querying!

CSV format

Here is an example of a valid CSV file:

    object_id | object_type | timestamp | object_changes
     1        |  ObjectA    |  412351252 | {"property1": "value1", "property3": "value2"}
     1        |  ObjectB    |  456662343 | {"property1": "another value1"}
     1        |  ObjectA    |  467765765 | {"property1": "altered value1", "property2": "random value2"}
     2        |  ObjectA    |  451232123 | {"property2": "some value2"}

The first column is the object's ID of integer type. The second column is the object's type, a string. The third column is the object's modification time, a UNIX timestamp. The fourth column is the object state, in JSON format.

Generating CSV

The script csv_generator.py can be used to generate CSV files with variable number of object types and IDs. Example:

    $ python csv_generator.py 4 3 2 > sample.csv

This would generate objects of 3 different types, with 2 different IDs each, for 4 rounds. This means each unique object's properties will be changed 4 times. All timestamps for each entry will be unique.


To run the tests, execute the following from the root directory:

    $ py.test