
Demo client for grequests

Primary LanguagePython

grequests client

HTTP fetching client that takes a list of (URL, parameters and callback) tuples and sends asynchronous requests to those URLs. URLs may contain keys between { and } that will be replaced with values from the parameters dict. The client supports GET and POST with simple throttling by sending requests at a given rate and waiting in between. Uses grequests.


First install the requirements, import the client and use it as follows:

def callback(resp):
    if resp is not None:

lst = [
        ('http://localhost:8000', {'lang': 'python'}, callback),
        ('http://localhost:8000/{bar}', {'bar': 'foo'}, callback),
        ('http://localhost:8000/{foo}', {'foo': 'bar'}, callback),
        ('http://localhost:8000/{foo}/{bar}/ws', {'foo': 'bar', 'bar': 'foo', 'lang': 'python'}, callback)
Client(*lst).send(method='GET', rate=2)


To run the tests do:

py.test test