
My dotfiles

Primary LanguageVim script


My collection of configuration options, plugins, and other stuff that make my daily life easier. I like to keep my setup quite minimal and simple, there is a ~200 line ruby script called setup which will do the following:

  • Install homebrew plugins defined in the constant HOMEBREW_PACKAGES which can have install options through HOMEBREW_INSTALL_OPTIONS.
  • Install asdf plugins defined in ASDF_PLUGINS, versions can be supplied in the format of a asdf list-all [language] entry.
  • Run some defaults write commands that make finder show .dotfiles as well and to hide the dock unless it is hovered over for a very long time.
  • Symlink the actual dotfiles to their destinations, see the MAP constant for how this works.
  • Install vim-plug and also install and update vim plugins.

This setup is not made to work on linux at the moment, I'm pretty sure it can be easily done though so I'll give it a try on a virtual machine sometime :)

Link dotfiles

$ git clone https://github.com/sidofc/dotfiles
$ ./dotfiles/bin/setup


Your terminfo will definitely be outdated (time of writing: April, 2018). This will cause vim/nvim not to change cursor shapes in insert / replace / normal mode. Inside the .config/fish/functions folder a update_terminfo command downloads a terminfo file from the alacritty repository. See this comment for more information.

$ update_terminfo