
Primary LanguageJavaScript

Hawaiian Pig Visualization Assignment

Objective: Using React, create an animated bar chart that shows the data over time.

In the project directory, you'll find wild-pig-data.json. This file contains imaginary data about wild pig populations on the various Hawaiian islands recorded over several years. Your task is to take this data and use React to create an animated bar chart. The chart should show pig population across islands, with each separate year of data being shown as a separate frame of the animation.

The chart should have these features:

  • Animation that steps through the data, displaying each year for 2 seconds before proceeding to the next year.

  • A progress bar that shows the currently displayed year's relationship to the other years in the dataset.

  • A play/pause button which enables and disables the animation, pausing on whichever year is currently being shown

  • Year and play/paused state are persisted as query parameters in the URL. For example, http://localhost:3000/?paused=true&year=2002 should load the page with the animation already paused and the year set to 2002

Don't hesitate to ask questions. You are allowed (expected?) to take implementation shortcuts for time. After all, this is how real software projects go. Simply document them, so we can discuss them with you!

Good luck!


We've provided a very rough wireframe in the project's root directory. This is intentionally vague to provide you with guidelines but allow you some flexibility to design the UI as you see fit.

The app should follow Google's Material Design guidelines to the best of your ability. You're can use a component library such as Material UI to help with this.


We've provided a skeleton app that was bootstrapped with Create React App. We hope this will help reduce boilerplate but you are welcome to start fresh and use different technology, such as TypeScript.

To get started, install with the project's dependencies with yarn install or npm install. Then run the app in development mode with yarn start or npm start. You can now open http://localhost:3000 to view it in the browser. The page will automatically reload if you make edits.

Create React App

Create React App is designed to unobtrusively remove build configuration so you can focus on code. Below are a few key pieces of information about the build configuration that might be helpful if you haven't worked with Create React App before.

You can find the full version of the Create React App guide here.

Folder Structure

Your project should look like this:


For the project to build, these files must exist with exact filenames:

  • public/index.html is the page template;
  • src/index.js is the JavaScript entry point.

You can delete or rename the other files.

You may create subdirectories inside src. For faster rebuilds, only files inside src are processed by Webpack.
You need to put any JS and CSS files inside src, otherwise Webpack won’t see them.

Supported Language Features and Polyfills

This project supports a superset of the latest JavaScript standard.
In addition to ES6 syntax features, it also supports:

Note that the project only includes a few ES6 polyfills:

If you use any other ES6+ features that need runtime support (such as Array.from() or Symbol), make sure you are including the appropriate polyfills manually.

Post-Processing CSS

This project setup minifies your CSS and adds vendor prefixes to it automatically through Autoprefixer so you don’t need to worry about it.