
Primary LanguageJavaApache License 2.0Apache-2.0


Technology stack

The app uses Java 8, Spring Boot (dependency injection, RestTemplate), lombok, gradle, JUnit 5, jacoco code coverage

Design choices

  • All the data is loaded and cached at the application startup
  • If the data fails to load, the app won't start. See troubleshooting section below
  • The app allows entering many country names one by one, until the user types "exit"
  • The country name must be entered exactly as it is in the dataset, there is no help or autocompletion
  • The app only shows info for the countries that have valid data in all 3 datasets (cases, vaccines, cases history)
  • "Vaccinated level in % of total population" represents the percentage of fully vaccinated
  • "New confirmed cases since last data available" are calculated based on history data as number of cases on the latest day - number of cases on the latest but one day
  • Numbers in the output are formatted as ###,###.##

Gradle tasks

Run the app

gradlew bootRun

Run unit tests

gradlew test

The coverage report is generated in build/reports/jacoco/test/html/index.html

Build the app

gradlew build


If something goes wrong, logging can be enabled in application.properties

logging.pattern.console= %d{yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss} - %msg%n