
Docker image to install and run WSO2 API Manager.

Apache License 2.0Apache-2.0


Docker image to install and run WSO2 API Manager.



The dockerfile will:

  • Use wget to pull the APIM 1.9.1 ZIP from a S3 bucket into the container /opt folder.
  • Install zip.
  • Unzip the APIM 1.9.1 ZIP.
  • Remove the APIM 1.9.1 ZIP.
  • Expose the container port 9443, 9736, 8243, 8280, 10397, 7711.
  • Set the wso2server.sh start-up script as the container entrypoint.


  • To pull: docker pull isim/wso2apim
  • To run: docker run --rm --name your_container_name -p 9443:9443 -p 9736:9736 -p 8243:8243 -p 8280:8280 -p 10397:10397 -p 7711:7711 isim/wso2apim
  • To access the web admin console, navigate to https://localhost:9443/carbon
  • To access the publisher, navigate to https://localhost:9443/publisher
  • To access the API store, navigate to https://localhost:9443/store
  • To pull alpine-based image: docker pull isim/wso2apim:alpine-java
  • To run alpine-based image: docker run --rm -h localhost --name your_container_name -p 9443:9443 isim/wso2apim:alpine-java

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