@Nested Tests Filtering Bug in Surefire

<exclude> over source file names does not exclude the @Nested test classes, defined inside the matching source files, if they end with Tests: https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/SUREFIRE-1720

See dt.AppIntegrationTest.ApiTests: all tests inside this file must be excluded, but ApiTests are included.

How to Reproduce

Surefire configuration:

      <!-- (1) Such syntax operates on file names, according to the docs:
           but does not exclude the JUnit 5 @Nested classes, defined in *matching* files. -->
<!--              (2) Regex-syntax operates on classes, according to the docs;
           and excludes the @Nested classes properly: -->
<!--              <exclude>%regex[.*IntegrationTest\$.*]</exclude>-->

With 3.0.0-M3:

mvn test

With a particular surefire version:

mvn verify -Dsurefire.version=2.22.2

Expected Behaviour

When a pattern over source file names is used (<exclude>*Pattern.java<exclude>), it must apply to all classes inside that file.

Actual Behaviour

The exclusion does not apply to some classes (e.g., ending with Tests).