
Do i need to make new side menu for every activity?

izikda opened this issue · 1 comments

or there is another way to do one menu for all activities?

You have plenty of options.

Most common case is to use Fragments. So, you'll swap Fragments while using single Activity (and as a result - single layout).

Another way (not so simple and not so elegant) - create some base xml layout (with side menu) and base Activity class. So, you'll have something like that:

public BaseActivity extends Activity {

    private ViewGroup mContainer;

    public void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
        super.setContentView(R.layout.base_xml); //"super" is important here

        mContainer = (ViewGroup) findViewById(; //here is id of container of your main layout inside side menu. Just some FrameLayout, for example.

   public void setContentView(int id) {
        /* Here is where magic comes */

        LayoutInflater inflater = LayoutInflater.fromContext(this);
        inflater.inflate(id, mContainer);