- 4
.initSlideMode throws an IllegalArgumentException
#18 opened by raywill - 1
How to use SlideHolder in fragment ?
#28 opened by roknimohsen - 2
Back key handle
#27 opened by mousamk - 6
Possible Features
#13 opened by PixelCrunch - 0
sencha phonegap init
#26 opened by jkishore - 0
- 0
The sample application crash.
#24 opened by NetPumi2 - 1
Disable Silde
#23 opened by wolvesworld - 2
- 3
setAllowInterceptTouch(false) not working
#21 opened by hangox - 8
Screen on main activity broken
#3 opened by h312m4one - 7
- 1
- 4
Where to locate the main activity layouts?
#14 opened by yapiskan - 2
#15 opened by izikda - 3
- 5
While transition, the user will be able to see all the previous draws made on the right panel.
#10 opened by zved - 2
- 6
Toggle to close the side bar not working
#5 opened by ritesh-dubey - 1
Feature Request : main part remains clickable
#8 opened by la-urre - 0
- 4
Feature Request
#6 opened by sniderzero - 10
Noise on the menu after clicking a button
#4 opened by smaass - 3
White on titlebar when setAlwaysOpened
#2 opened by h312m4one - 2
Where is the source for sidemenu.jar
#1 opened by pellucide