
Fetch API example using Babel and Browserify

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Fetch API test

A very simplified example of using Fetch API to get data from the remote resource. Can be used as API client.

Demo: http://fetchtest.dmitryshevchenko.com/


  • Fetch API with polyfill for the old browsers by using Babel and Browserify
  • Using ES6 modules with polyfill
  • Highlight results (JSON or XML)
  • Gulp automation for auto-compiling JS and LESS
  • JS autotests


  • Checkout project
  • Execute npm install in the project root folder
  • Execute from the project root
./node_modules/.bin/gulp --gulpfile ./gulp_tasks/app_tasks.js front:compile:less
./node_modules/.bin/gulp --gulpfile ./gulp_tasks/app_tasks.js front:comile:js

Note: we do not install gulp globally

Results compiled JS and CSS would be in the www/js and www/css folder.


The json and XML files are expected in www/mock folder. For now the file name should be response.(xml/json)


Test are available in the test folder. Execute npm test


For the code highlighting this project depends on PrismJS http://prismjs.com/

The module would be installed by node, you need to copy CSS from node_modules/prismjs/themes/prism.css into the www/thirdparty/css folder
