
Zookeeper proof of concept on tarantool in memory database

Primary LanguageLua

Proof of concept Zookeeper on the Tarantool

Supported the following commands

  • get <options> <path> - get value by path
  • set <options> <path> <value> - set value by path
  • exists <options> <path> - check the value by path exists
  • del <options> <path> - delete existing value by path
  • sub <options> <path> - subscribe to the path when the value will update
  • unsub <options> <path> - remove the subscription from the path
  • exit - close socket connection on the server side

where is options

  • --routing-key=<value> - routing key matcher for the client

You can start master-master replica set with the following command

docker-compose up

Then you can set value on the first master replica

> nc 3311
> set /alice/lock new-value
> exit

Then you can get the value on the second master replica

> nc 3312
> get /alice/lock
> exit