
This project provides several tools for AngularJS:

  1. on-page notifications
  2. persisting scope variables in localStorage


You're able to show in-page notifications which you can add to page using directives or notifications service. List of notifications is cleared after page changing. There are three types of notifications:

  • success
  • alert
  • error

(link) Notifications

How to use

First of all you should include notifications partial in base HTML document:

 <div ng-include="'<path to cayenne lib>/notifications/partials/notifications.html'"></div>

Then you might change CSS if you want. In this case you need to change following CSS classes:

  1. .notifications - notifcation area
  2. .notification - notification container
  3. .notification-success, .notification-alert, .notification-error - appearance in accordance with notification type


You can describe text and condition when notification should be shown by directives:

<notification type="{{ notification_type }}" on="{{ notification_trigger_expression }}">{{ notification_text }}</notification>
  • notification_type - success, alert or error
  • notification_trigger_expression - any watchable expression
  • notification_text - static text

Notification appears when trigger expression will be true.


<notification type="error" on="form.oldpassword.$error.required">Please fill out the field Old password</notification>
<notification type="success" on="!form.oldpassword.$error.required">You've typed old password</notification>

Cayenne provides notifications module with notifications service with 4 methods:

  • success(message) - show success notification
  • alert(message) - show alert notification
  • error(message) - show error notification
  • reset() - clear all messages

Persisting scope variable

Persisting means that scope variable will be stored in localStorage and after every change the value will be updated. Also the value is automatically restored after loading.

You might persist scope variable in two ticks:

  • load persist module with persistService
  • call persistService.persist($scope, key, prefix):
  • $scope {Object} Scope
  • variable {String} Name of variable within $scope
  • prefix {String} Optional: prefix for key in localStorage for not to intefere with the others


controller('loginController', function($scope, $rootScope, persistService){
  persistService.persist($scope, 'username');


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