
Send stats from Passenger to Datadog

Primary LanguageRubyMIT LicenseMIT

Gem Version Build Status Code Climate License


Inspired by passengeri-datadog-monitor

This gem can be used to send stats from Passenger to Datadog. It makes use of the command passenger-status, and the Ruby implementation of statsd provided by dogstatsd-ruby)

In order to gather stats on all Passenger instances, Passenger recommends running passenger-status as root. Therefore, it is recommended that passenger_datadog be run as root as well.

If running passenger_datadog as a user other than the user that owns the application in Passenger, make sure that same version of Passenger is installed for both users.


$ gem install passenger_datadog


Typical Usage

$ passenger-datadog [start|stop|restart|status]

Configuring Datadog hostname/port

$ STATSD_HOSTNAME=dd-agent.local STATSD_PORT=8125 passenger-datadog [start|stop|restart|status]


$ passenger-datadog


$ passenger-datadog [-h|--help]