
POC for using Redis for caching and queue

Primary LanguageRubyMIT LicenseMIT

This repo contains 2 applications UI (Rails app built on top of relational DB) and API (which only talks to Redis)

First make sure you have Redis running on your dev box.  

cd ui
rake db:migrate && rake db:seed
look in seeds.rb for the random data that was generated
rails s -p 3001

browse to http://localhost:3001
login with admin@email.com / password
browse to http://localhost:3001/admin for basic RailsAdmin CRUD UI
browse to http://localhost:3001/sidekiq for Sidekiq UI

cd api
rails s

browse to http://localhost:3000/?kw=keyword1
you will see output like this: 

browse to link URL and you will be redirected to website1-10.com
browse to http://localhost:3001/sidekiq/queues/click and you will see 1 click queued up to process.  
in UI app bash run "sidekiq" and it will process the click job