
Personal accounting app built on top of activeadmin

Primary LanguageRubyISC LicenseISC

Code Climate Issue Count Deploy


$ cp docker-compose.yml.sample docker-compose.yml

Edit docker-compose.yml according to your needs.

$ cp config/database.yml.sample config/database.yml
$ docker-compose build && docker-compose pull
$ docker-compose run --rm -u root web bash -c "mkdir -p /bundle/vendor && chown ruby /bundle/vendor"
$ docker-compose run --rm web bundle install
$ docker-compose run --rm web bundle exec rake db:create
$ docker-compose run --rm web bundle exec rake db:migrate

Deprecated notices

  • The table cards is deprecated
    • See #70 for more details
  • The column movements.chargeable_type is deprecated
    • Though it is deprecated this relation is still a fully functional polymorphic association
    • See #70 and #41 for more details