Secure chat
Secure chat with RSA and AES end to end encryption See live demo here
##Technologies used:
- Node.js 4.4
- Express.js
- Mongoose.js (MongoDB)
- Bootstrap CSS
- Jade
- JQuery
- jsencrypt -- RSA encryption/decryption
- CryptoJS -- AES encryption/decryption
- Install mongodb locally
- Change connection string in config.js according to DB setting
- Install Node.js modules
sudo npm i
How to run Node.js server for debug purposes:
npm start
Then go to:
How to use
- Register new account using registration form
- Login to the site
- Generate a pair of RSA keys
- It can be generated in LINUX via openssl package:
openssl genrsa -out priv.pem 1024
openssl rsa -pubout -in priv.pem -out pub.pem
- Or just go to and generate it online
- Enter and save it in you profile tab
- Go to "Contacts" tab, enter your friend's username (you should also send your username to your friend by alternative channel)
- If it was successfully added, click on nickname in contact-list
- You will be moved to "Messages" tab
- Insert your friend's public RSA key (which was sent to you by alternative ways) into corresponging field
- And send her/him your public RSA key
- If you wish to send your messages securely, check the checkbox "Encrypted" (You will be warned if you didn't set the keys)