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DevOpsCon 2021 (Unix Signals)

This repo serves as an example of what happens when processes don't define signal handlers.

Getting Started

There is a shell.nix file here, if you are running Nix / NixOS (not as in *NIX!)

There is a Makefile that will help you out:

make server-no-handler will start the process without a signal handler for SIGINT

make server-with-handler will start the process with a signal handler for SIGINT

make request will run curl localhost:8888

The server will always wait 10 seconds before returning content.

To have the example "work", in the terminal / shell running the server, hit Control-C after you've ran make server-no-handler or make server-with-handler.

In the server-no-handler example, you'll see cURL error out. In the server-with-handler example, you'll see the server wait and finish the request before exiting.