
GHC plugin to rewrite lens Template Haskell splices into pure functions

Primary LanguageHaskellBSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" LicenseBSD-3-Clause


A GHC plugin that rewrites TH splices into regular Haskell functions.


build-depends: lens-th-rewrite
ghc-options: -fplugin=GHC.Plugin.LensThRewrite


import Control.Lens

data Person
  = Person
  { _name :: String
  , _age :: Int
  } deriving (Show, Eq)

$(makeLenses ''Person)


import Control.Lens

data Person
  = Person
  { _name :: String
  , _age :: Int
  } deriving (Show, Eq)

age :: Lens' Person Int
age = lens _age $ \record field -> record { _age = field }

name :: Lens' Person String
name = lens _name $ \record field -> record { _name = field }


Cross-compilation of Haskell code requires TH splices to be executed on the target machine, as opposed to the host. This can be a non-starter for many projects.


Only makeLenses is supported. Also, you must define your data type in the same module makeLenses is used.


It is possible to use the executable bundled with this library as a pre-processor.

Add {-# options_ghc -F -pgmF=lens-th-rewrite-pp #-}

Long term

GHC should split up Template Haskell into pure and impure variants. Allowing pure TH code to be executed on the host, and impure on the target.