
contacts example using toolkit

Primary LanguageTypeScript


contacts react web app with toolkit

  • what should be implemented in mission.txt file
  • console commands history list in commands.txt file


run this app

# git clone https://github.com/dmk3141618/contacts-toolkit.git
# cd contacts-toolkit
# npm install
# npm run start

run unit test

# npm run test

run e2e test

  • First run this app using npm run start. Need to run this app before e2e test.

  • e2e test in real browser

    • Close all browser executions for testing
    • Chrome is default. Close all chrome execution before start cypress if use chrome.
    • Be able to select browsers like firefox, edge, ... in cypress UI or config file.
# npm run cypress
  • e2e console
    • Run e2e in console. This will make mp4 video file in cypress/video folder.
# npm run cypress:headless

build for production

  • This will make production build in build folder.
# npm run build

tech stack

  • CRA typescript template
  • craco
    • Create React App Configuration Override. Customize configuration without CRA eject
  • React
  • Redux-Toolkit
    • redux-toolkit is the library to use redux in best practice
    • normalizr is for redux-toolkit state normalization but do not use in this project
  • Redux-Persist
    • redux-persist is used to save redux state to browser's localstorage
  • react-router-dom
    • html5 history api navigation for react web SPA
  • Style system: using both scss style module and css-in-js
  • Form validation
  • ESLint with Prettier
    • installed packages
      • eslint : Linting
      • prettier : Formatting
      • @typescript-eslint/parser : Typescript eslint parser
      • @typescript-eslint/eslint-plugin : Typescript eslint ruleset
      • eslint-plugin-react : react ruleset. using react/recommended not airbnb.
      • eslint-plugin-react-hooks : react-hooks ruleset like exhaustive-deps
      • eslint-plugin-import : import-export ruleset for using import export.
      • eslint-plugin-jsx-a11y : accessibility ruleset
      • eslint-config-prettier : Turns off all rules that are unnecessary or might conflict with Prettier
      • eslint-plugin-prettier : Runs Prettier as an ESLint rule and reports differences as individual ESLint issues
    • configurations : .eslintrc.js / .prettierrc.js
    • Enable Code linting and formatting in IDE
      • (Intellij or Webstorm Preferences Setting) Search with eslint keyword and activate these settings
        • Automatic eslint configuration
        • Run eslint --fix on save
        • Inspections > ESLint
      • (Visual Studio Code) Settings (Cmd + ,) and Search with format keyword and activate these settings
  • Testing (Just setup environment. Added just simple sample code)
    • jest for unit test
      • jest, @testing-library/react, @testing-library/jest-dom, @testing-library/user-event
      • sample code: common/component/Footer/Footer.spec.tsx
    • cypress for e2e and integration test
      • sample code: cypress/app.spec.js
  • uuid
    • id generator for contact id field