Sometimes it would be useful to make completely standalone Rmarkdown documents that do not depend on data or other information in external files. One important example of this is scientific publications written in Rmarkdown for which we often would like to supply the source document with data to ensure results are reproducible.
This package extends the knitr
package, providing a new data
language engine to facilitate the creation of standalone Rmarkdown documents. Instead of putting code inside data
chunks, one puts the contents of the data file that one wishes to use in your Rmarkdown document. This data can then be directly read from these chunks into the Rmarkdown R session and used in the Rmarkdown script. Tools are included for creating both text (e.g., CSV) and binary (e.g., RDS files) data
The detailed functioning of the package is described in a vignette accompanying the package.
Installation & Use
The latest version of this package can be installed from Github executing the following command in R:
A recent version of this package can also be installed from CRAN:
To use the package, load the library in the setup
at the beginning of your Rmarkdown document:
After the package has been loaded in the Rmarkdown document, you can add data
chunks to your document. knitrdata
works along much the same principles as standalone HTML web pages or emails with attachments: data, encoded as text if binary, are included in special chunks with a bit of header information explaining how to process the data. For example, you could read standard CSV-formatted data into your Rmarkdown document by adding the following chunk:
```{data output.var="d",loader.function=read.csv}
This will load the CSV data in the chunk into the Rmarkdown R session under the variable name d
. R chunks after this data
chunk can use d
as a normal R variable.
With appropriate options, data
chunks can handle CSV data with arbitrary delimiters and white-space delimited data, essentially anything for which an appropriate "loader function" exists in R.
One can achieve the same thing and much more using a chunk containing a binary RDS file:
```{data output.var = "d", format = "binary", loader.function = readRDS, md5sum='e326bdd310818f4f223f3a89e8f18dd5'}
The contents of this chunk are the base64 encoding of a binary RDS file containing the data table above. The chunk header also includes an optional md5sum
of the decoded chunk contents that is checked during processing to assure accuracy of the encoded data. Again, with appropriate options, essentially any type of binary data can be loaded with data
One can also use GPG to encrypt the chunk contents so that only users with the decryption key can have access to the data:
```{data output.var = "d", format = "binary", encoding="gpg", loader.function = readRDS, md5sum='e326bdd310818f4f223f3a89e8f18dd5'}
Version: GnuPG v2
includes the data_encode
, create_chunk
and insert_chunk
helper functions to facilitate encoding of data, creation and insertion of data
chunks, respectively. The package also includes 3 Rstudio addins that facilitate including data chunks in Rmarkdown documents: Insert empty data chunk
, Insert filled data chunk
and Remove chunks
. These are available in the Addins
menu of Rstudio.
chunks are not limited to scientific data, but can also include images, text and text documents. For example, the following would export the given BibTeX references to the file references.bib
```{data output.file="references.bib"}
ids = {MeynardTestingmethodsspecie,MeynardTestingmethodsspeciesinpress},
title = {Testing Methods in Species Distribution Modelling Using Virtual Species: What Have We Learnt and What Are We Missing?},
shorttitle = {Testing Methods in Species Distribution Modelling Using Virtual Species},
author = {Meynard, Christine N. and Leroy, Boris and Kaplan, David M.},
year = {2019},
month = dec,
volume = {42},
pages = {2021--2036},
issn = {0906-7590, 1600-0587},
doi = {10.1111/ecog.04385},
file = {/home/dmk/papers/meynard.et.al.2019.testing_methods_in_species_distribution_modelling_using_virtual_species.pdf},
journal = {Ecography},
keywords = {artificial species,environmental niche models,niche,simulations,species distribution modelling,virtual ecologist},
language = {en},
number = {12}
title = {Consequences of Drift and Carcass Decomposition for Estimating Sea Turtle Mortality Hotspots},
author = {Santos, Bianca S. and Kaplan, David M. and Friedrichs, Marjorie A. M. and Barco, Susan G. and Mansfield, Katherine L. and Manning, James P.},
year = {2018},
month = jan,
volume = {84},
pages = {319--336},
issn = {1470-160X},
doi = {10.1016/j.ecolind.2017.08.064},
copyright = {All rights reserved},
file = {/home/dmk/papers/santos.et.al.2018.consequences_of_drift_and_carcass_decomposition_for_estimating_sea_turtle.pdf},
journal = {Ecological Indicators},
keywords = {Carcass decomposition,Chesapeake bay,Conservation,Drift leeway,Drift simulations,Endangered species,Sea turtle mortality,Sea turtle strandings}
If the following line is in the YAML header of the document:
bibliography: references.bib
then the contents of this file will be used to generate citations and the bibliography of the document in the final formatting step of the knitting process. This can be done even if the external file references.bib
did not exist when the knitting process was initiated. This references data
chunk can be placed anywhere in the Rmarkdown document, even after references have been cited in the text (e.g., the end of the document, which is often the most convenient place).
The same process can be used to embed all ancillary formatting files (e.g., LaTeX .cls style files, bibliography .csl syle files, CSS files, LaTeX header files) inside an Rmarkdown document using data
chunks, obviating the need for external files.
See package vignettes, documentation and examples for more details, including a full list of chunk options and more usage examples.
Instructional video
There is an instructional video screencast demonstrating the use of knitrdata
in Rstudio. It is available on youtube.