
This Project is focused on building the Model for House-Analysis Data using Linear and Logistic Regression Model


Information regarding the Coursework

The coursework is based on undertaking an analysis of a real world data set. It is a shared assessment block for Quantitative Data Analysis and Modern Data taught in the Brunel University London.

For this Coursework we are working with house-analysis.RDa which has 90377 observation with 12 Variables.

Information regarding the Variables are below,

Variable (Column Name) Description
id Property id
Price Sale price of the property
mq Total square meters of the property
Floor Entrance floor of the property
n_rooms Total number of rooms
n_bathrooms Total number of bathrooms
has_terrace Property has a terrace
has_alarm Property has an alarm
heating Type of heating (“autonomous”, “ other”)
has_air_conditioning Property has Air conditioning
has_parking Property has parking
Is_furnished Was the property sold with its contents (furnishings) or not? (0,1)


Our Objective for this Coursework is as follows,

  • Create a subset of data from the house-analysis.RDa
  • Organise and clean Data
    • subset the data into the specific data subset allocated
    • data quality analysis
    • data cleaning
  • Exploratory data analysis
  • Modelling
    • explain your analysis plan
    • build a model for property price
    • critique your model using relevant diagnostics
    • based on the previous sections suggest improvements to your model
  • Extension work
    • Model the likelihood of a property being furnished (using the is_furnished variable provided)

How it was done

  • We used Linear Regression model for the property price and critiqued the model using relevant diagnostics
  • For the likelihood of property being furnished , we build a model based on the Logistic Regression