Data Visualization

  • Data Source :
  • Research Question :
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Data Cleaning

Tableau Visualization Listing

  • Persona creation - Understand and describe about the emd user. ( single person , multiple person or Organization)

Question : Related to weather dashboard what's the persona will be? Answer : news Forecast, regular people, transportation

  • With respect to sales dataset the possible personas

    • Buyer
    • Seller
  • W.R.T the Population based dataset, possible Personas

    • Commodity/Sales based
    • Crime rate based on Literacy Rate
  • W.R.T the Weather Dataset

    • News Weather Forcast
    • Citizens using the data for their planning
  • Below is the Dataset from the World Bank:

    • Key Attributes : Inflation percentage in different year and based on different Indices (Consumer Price Index, Producer Price Index)
      • Headline consumer price index
      • Headline consumer price inflation
      • Food price index
      • Food price inflation
      • Energy price index
      • Energy price inflation
      • Official core consumer price index
      • Official core consumer price inflation
      • Producer price index
      • Producer price inflation
      • GDP deflator index
      • GDP deflator growth rate