
one key mapping to multiple values not implemented ??

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  • \brief the structure for a list of key-value pairs
  • The keys must be unique and sorted in an increasing order. The length of a
  • value can be more than one. If \a lens is empty, then the length
  • of a value is determined by k=vals.size()/keys.size(). The \a i-th KV pair
  • is then
  • \verbatim {keys[i], (vals[i*k], ..., vals[(i+1)*k-1])} \endverbatim
  • If \a lens is given, then lens[i] is the length of the \a i-th
  • value. Let
  • \verbatim n = lens[0] + .. + lens[i-1] \endverbatim
  • then the \a i-th KV pair is presented as
  • \verbatim {keys[i], (vals[n], ..., vals[lens[i]+n-1])} \endverbatim
    hello , i read the source code and test the feature by specifying a key vector with size 1 and value vector with size 100 , and failed with check: key size not equal to value size , so this feature is not implemented??