- 1
The thread safety of `RunCallback`
#189 opened by ZiyueHuang - 0
key lost in this line when not exactly devided
#185 opened by happynoom - 2
- 4
throwing an instance of 'dmlc::Error
#152 opened by gccrpm - 3
can not download the dependencies from last week
#177 opened by ecko4869 - 3
Makefile:32: recipe for target 'lint' failed
#172 opened by hbsun2113 - 0
hides overloaded virtual function
#176 opened by leezu - 9
Why not using RDMA WRITE( with imm) or RDMA READ to avoid additional memory copy?
#174 opened by zpcalan - 0
What does `HEAPPROFILE ` do?
#171 opened by hbsun2113 - 0
Cound not bind a port (or IP).
#173 opened - 2
CHEKC_NE ERROR for the available port
#165 opened by YangjieZhou - 2
Build is a mess
#138 opened by fifteenhex - 3
Problem with FindProtobuf
#103 opened by al-rigazzi - 4
- 1
Can I change the maximum bounded delay value?
#169 opened by JihoYoo7 - 0
about AddPullCB size check
#167 opened by jasperzhong - 1
Is yarn cluster supported?
#155 opened by happynoom - 0
[Code Issue] Unnecessary assignment?
#164 opened by microwish - 0
one key mapping to multiple values not implemented ??
#157 opened by zmxdream - 4
请问 worker 发送push后, server端是如何合并最新的参数的?
#142 opened by lrjocean - 0
How to change the ip of scheduler?
#154 opened by hbsun2113 - 1
How to compile ps-lite to `.so` instead of `.a`?
#149 opened by hbsun2113 - 1
what if scheduler/server/worker failed?
#148 opened by lmybill - 4
Non Zero-Copy Implementation in ZPull
#146 opened by ymjiang - 1
About the lock in ZMQVan::SendMsg
#84 opened by microwish - 5
Implement fp16 support for the KV-Store
#127 opened by b0noI - 0
- 2
[BSP model in ps-lite] Discussion about BSP model implementation using PS-lite
#143 opened by authwork - 0
the usage of the vector clock
#141 opened by theflyfish - 0
Only IP address is supported in DMLC_NODE_HOST
#139 opened by xcgoner - 4
problem with clion
#128 opened by hbsun2113 - 2
What is AsOp mean?
#125 opened by DragonZS - 1
tracker_ in ps-lite/include/ps/internal/customer.h never erase element. is that ok?
#96 opened by cuteapi - 1
- 1
why multiple servers start in local but worker just send message to one server?
#119 opened by summersunshine1 - 1
how to build ??
#110 opened by guiyang882 - 0
Give more examples
#111 opened by mxmxlwlw - 0
Try to implement Google Snappy for zmq_van
#106 opened by hsienyan - 1
#105 opened by salemmohammed - 0
- 0
- 0
- 0
GetAvailablePort function
#83 opened by microwish - 0
Van::GetTimestamp(), a bug or not?
#82 opened by microwish - 0
Why using template function for GetEnv?
#81 opened by microwish - 1
how to enable parameter replication
#80 opened by huzelin - 2
Hot join and quit of workers.
#74 opened by zhangyafeikimi - 2
KVServer is single threaded?
#73 opened by zhangyafeikimi - 2
SArray is buggy
#76 opened by zhangyafeikimi - 1