
Deploy IIS applications

Primary LanguagePowerShell


Please note this repository is for archive only.

Scripts to deploy IIS applications. Designed for OctopusDeploy, but also works when running from the console.


  • IIS
  • Powershell v4

How to Use

Create an optional healthcheck.aspx file, depending on your load balancer can simple return 'Up':

<!DOCTYPE html>

You'd want to check for all the dependencies app needs to work. E.g. database, caching, etc.

Generate a nuget package with your application (ideally using CI).

Website parameters

Name Description
Mode 'Website'. See below for differences
WebsiteName Name for website
WebsitePhysicalPath Physical path where the website code is
WebsitePoolName IISAppPool name to assign
WebsiteProtocol Default: HTTP
WebsiteIPBinding Default: *
WebsitePort Default: 80
WebsiteHost IIS host header
WebsitePoolType ApplicationPool Identity type
WebsitePoolUsername If empty default 'Application Pool Identity' will be used.
WebsitePoolPassword Password for username above
websitePoolNetVersion .NET Framework to use
PackagePath Path on the disk for nuget package

WebApplication parameters

Name Description
Mode 'WebApp'. See below for differences
ApplicationName Name for application
ApplicationPhysicalPath Physical Path where the webapp code is
ApplicationPoolName IISAppPool name to assign
ApplicationPoolType ApplicationPool Identity type
ApplicationPoolUsername If empty default 'Application Pool Identity' will be used.
ApplicationPoolPassword Password for username above
applicationPoolNetVersion .NET Framework to use
PackagePath Path on the disk for nuget package
HealthPath Name of healthfile configured in LB
HealthDelay Delay (in seconds) to wait after taking app down. Basically waiting until LB removes website from pool

Octopus Deploy

This is an example of how to configure in Octopus Deploy. Use with 'Deploy Process Step' or alternatively configure version control.

Import-Module is required on pre and post parts of the deployment because they are treated as new sessions in Octopus Deploy.

Pre-deployment step

Import-Module .\deployapp.psm1 -DisableNameChecking -Global -Force

# Deploy website
initDeploy -Mode "Website" `
           -WebsiteName "mywebsite1" `
           -WebsitePhysicalPath "C:\inetpub\wwwroot\mywebsite1\_Root" `
           -WebsitePoolName "mywebsite1" `
           -WebsiteHost "mywebsite1.com" `
           -PackagePath <packageID>

# Deploy webapp
initDeploy -Mode "WebApp" `
           -WebsiteName "mywebsite1" `
           -WebsitePhysicalPath "C:\inetpub\wwwroot\mywebsite1\_Root" `
           -WebsitePoolName "mywebsite1" `
           -WebsiteHost "mywebsite1.com" `
           -ApplicationName "myapp1" `
           -ApplicationPhysicalPath "C:\inetpub\wwwroot\mywebsite1\myapp1" `
           -ApplicationPoolName "myapp1" `
           -PackagePath <packageID>
           -HealthPath "healthcheck.aspx" `
           -HealthDelay 10

Post-deployment step

Cleanup and reports

Import-Module .\deployapp.psm1 -DisableNameChecking -Global -Force


Console (running manually)

Create a file, e.g. main.ps1 with the following contents:

param (
    [switch] $DEBUG=$false

Import-Module .\IIS\deployapp.psm1 -DisableNameChecking -Global -Force

# Replace parameters with your user case
initDeploy <parameters>

if ($DEBUG) {
    ## Pause the deployment
    Write-Host "Press any key to continue..."
    $host.UI.RawUI.ReadKey("NoEcho,IncludeKeyDown") | Out-Null


# Removes Octopus variables
try {
    Remove-Variable -Name Octopus*
catch {}


Following built-in variables can be configured:

  • $VerbosePreference
  • $DebugPreference

Click here for information about Preference Variables