
Yang! - Yet Another Bangs anywhere extension

Primary LanguageJavaScriptGNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0

Yang! - Yet Another Bangs anywhere Firefox extension


Yet Another Bangs anywhere extension

Available on Firefox ADD-ONS

1. What is a Bang?

Citing DuckDuckGo, who first introduced them back in 2008:

Bangs are shortcuts that quickly take you to search results on other sites. For example, when you know you want to search on another site like Wikipedia or Amazon, our bangs get you there fastest. A search for !w filter bubble will take you directly to Wikipedia.

2. How does the extension work?

Simply install the extension and use any of the supported Kagi Bangs.

Bangs can be used at the beginning or at the end of the query, e.g.:

!gm here to closest restaurant

is equivalent to

here to closest restaurant !gm

Bangs can also be triggered without any query, serving as a bookmark shortcut:


3. Features

Done? Feature Description
Kagi Bangs More than 13,500 default bangs included.
Custom Bangs You can create your own bangs or override defaults.
Custom Bang Symbol Define your own custom symbol(s) to trigger the bangs.
Mobile Support Yang! is also available on Firefox Android.
Fast Redirections Bangs are resolved locally, without Kagi as intermediary1.
Address Bar Trigger You can use bangs directly in the URL bar.
Search Engine Trigger Bangs also work from the search bar of your favorite search engine.
Backup and Restore Never lose your bangs.
🔜 Chromium Support However, consider giving Firefox a try ;)
🔜 Custom Search Engines Soon you will be able to add your own custom search engines.

1 This greatly reduces the redirection times, as shown by DuckDuckGo !Bangs but Faster.

4. Supported Engines

Yang! will be triggered directly from your address bar and the following sites:

Name URL
Google https://www.google.com/
Bing https://www.bing.com/
Yahoo https://www.yahoo.com/
Ecosia https://www.ecosia.org/
DuckDuckGo https://duckduckgo.com/
Brave Search https://search.brave.com/
Startpage https://www.startpage.com/
Swisscows https://swisscows.com/
SearX(NG) https://searx.space/
Mojeek https://www.mojeek.com/
Qwant https://www.qwant.com/
Kagi https://kagi.com/
You.com https://you.com/
Perplexity AI https://www.perplexity.ai/
Naver https://www.naver.com/
Baidu https://www.baidu.com/
Yandex https://yandex.com/
AOL https://www.aol.com/
Murena https://spot.ecloud.global/
MetaGer https://metager.de/
Dogpile https://www.dogpile.com/
Ask.com https://www.ask.com/
Seznam.cz https://search.seznam.cz/
Karma Search https://karmasearch.org/
Mullvad Leta https://leta.mullvad.net/

Is your favorite search engine not on the list? Open an issue and we'll add it!

5. FAQs

Do bangs sync across devices?

Yes... and no. Bangs will sync across all the Firefox desktop browsers in which you are logged in with your Firefox account. However, the sync between desktop and mobile is currently unsupported. As a workaround, you can create a backup on desktop and restore it on Android (or vice versa).

Why does Yang! need permissions on a 300+ sites?

Instead of requesting data access on all sites, we granularly specify the search-engine sites that Yang! supports (which yeah, they're quite a few). You can find which sites we request permissions for in the manifest.json.

6. Contributing

Contributions are always welcome! However, before getting started, please carefully read the contribution guidelines.

7. Related Extensions

If you don't like Yang!, there are many other options, but these were the most inspiring in the early development of Yang!:


Yang! logo is a modification of the original DuckDuckGo logo. Its use is solely transformative, i.e., intended with a further purpose or different character, and does not substitute under any circumstance for the original use of the work.