
GitHub Analysis demo for Plrx

Primary LanguagePython


GitHub Analysis demo for Plrx

Implemented features



Simple HTTP wrapper provides GET method, JSON-dict convertion, HTTP Headers reading.


GitHub API wrapper allow to request repository data as objects. Supports pagination.


VCS Repository analysis tool provides following reports:

  • Active contributors Top contributors with their number of commit
  • Opened and closed pull requests Number of opened and closed pull requests between dates
  • Old pull requests Number of old pull requests (not closed within N days)
  • Opened and closed issues Number of opened and closed issues between dates
  • Old issues Number of old issues (not closed within N days)

Output types

Reports can be printed as tables:

Active contributors
Login   Commit number
maxtepkeev      493
andreiavram     11

or as JSON-like format:

    "name": "Active contributors",
    "headers": [
      "Commit number"
    "results": [
        "Login": "maxtepkeev",
        "Commit number": 493



analyzerepo needs Python 3.7 and can be run with supported Windows or Linux.


First, clone this repo:

$ git clone https://github.com/dm-logv/hr-plrx-github-analysis
$ cd hr-plrx-github-analysis
$ chmod +x analyzerepo 

Next, you have two ways.


You can run analyzerepo as Dockerized CLI application. You need no Python in OS, just Docker.

$ docker build -t analyzerepo . && \
> docker run analyzerepo https://github.com/maxtepkeev/python-redmine


If you have installed Python 3.7 you can run analyzerepo right now.

$ python analyzerepo https://github.com/maxtepkeev/python-redmine


$ ./analyzerepo https://github.com/maxtepkeev/python-redmine

Command-line arguments

You can get full list of command-line arguments: analyzerepo -h


Run repo analysis with date bounds:

$ ./analyzerepo -s 2017-01-01 -e 2017-01-31 https://github.com/flutter/flutter

Use BasicAuth (see below):

$ docker run analyzerepo -u dm-logv -p MyPassw https://github.com/maxtepkeev/python-redmine

Forward proxy to Docker and get results as JSON:

$ docker run --env https_proxy=user:passW0rd@proxy.com:3128 \
>     analyzerepo --type json https://github.com/dm-logv/aero-stat


  • GitHub API limits the number of requests for non-authorized users. You can you the --user and --password arguments for basic authorization with your account data.
  • GitHub API strictly recommends getting the next URLs for paginated responses from headers instead of the URL building. It makes analyzerepo slooow on big repositories with a high number of pull requests or issues. Be patient, please.