- 0
Issue with spark_model fit
#35 opened by kvinshorts - 1
spark.rdd API
#34 opened by Safary1094 - 0
Why I am not seeing prints for different iterations in my jupyter notebook?
#33 opened by hassledzebra - 3
SPARK-5063 error
#22 opened by ramondalmau - 0
Inference on multi GPU
#30 opened by milad1378yz - 0
PyTorch Lightning Integration
#29 opened by tchaton - 0
What's the difference?
#28 opened by Sem4ik228 - 0
- 1
Why is nobody using this?
#26 opened by adsk2050 - 2
Is this project in active development?
#24 opened by absognety - 0
- 0
- 0
getting vectors
#19 opened by lizush23 - 1
Problem when using a pretrained Hugginface-Transformer model: "Expected tensor for argument #1 'indices' to have scalar type Long; but got torch.FloatTensor instead"
#17 opened by cperezmig - 0
NOTE: One thing to remember is that if your network is not a sequential, it will need to be saved in a separate file and available in the python path
#18 opened by shexuan - 1
Implement Early Stopping
#2 opened by dmmiller612 - 0
Implement Device handling
#13 opened by dmmiller612 - 0
Documentation around use of the library.
#5 opened by dmmiller612 - 0
Set up Travis builds
#1 opened by dmmiller612 - 0
Add new torch distributed parameter server.
#12 opened by dmmiller612 - 0
Implement learning rate scheduler.
#10 opened by dmmiller612 - 0
- 0
Implement mini-batches for training to reduce CPU burden for large datasets in partitions.
#4 opened by dmmiller612 - 0
Performance upgrades around inference
#6 opened by dmmiller612