
Convert one (or more) simplicial complex geometry (positions/cells/normals/uvs) into an OBJ string.

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Convert one (or more) simplicial complex geometry (positions/cells/normals/uvs) into an OBJ string.

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npm install geom-export-obj


import geomExportObj from "geom-export-obj";
import { cube } from "primitive-geometry";





SimplicialComplex : object

Geometry definition. All optional.

GeomExportObjOffsets : object

Offsets to for cells. Useful if appending to another obj string. Used internally.

GeomExportObjOptions : object

Options for exporter.

GeomExportObjReturnValue : object


geomExportObj(geometries, [options]) ⇒ GeomExportObjReturnValue

Parse one or more simplicial complex geometry and return an obj string and vertices offsets.

Kind: Exported function

Param Type Default
geometries SimplicialComplex | Array.<SimplicialComplex>
[options] GeomExportObjOptions {}

geomExportObj.parse(geometry, [offsets], [defaultName]) ⇒ string

Parse a simplicial complex and return an obj string

Kind: static method of geomExportObj See: http://paulbourke.net/dataformats/obj/

Param Type Default Description
geometry SimplicialComplex
[offsets] GeomExportObjOffsets { positions: 0, normals: 0, uvs: 0 }}
[defaultName] string A name for the object if geometry.name is not specified.

SimplicialComplex : object

Geometry definition. All optional.

Kind: global typedef Properties

Name Type Description
positions Array.<number>
normals Array.<number>
uvs Array.<number>
cells Array.<number>
name string The object name.
[materialName] string The object material name.

GeomExportObjOffsets : object

Offsets to for cells. Useful if appending to another obj string. Used internally.

Kind: global typedef Properties

Name Type
positions number
normals number
uvs number

GeomExportObjOptions : object

Options for exporter.

Kind: global typedef Properties

Name Type Default Description
[header] string "# geom-export-obj\n" Header to be prepended to the file.
[prefix] string "Mesh_" Prefix for object names.
[offsets] GeomExportObjOffsets { positions: 0, normals: 0, uvs: 0 } The initial offsets for cells.

GeomExportObjReturnValue : object

Kind: global typedef Properties

Name Type Description
output string The obj as a string.
offsets GeomExportObjOffsets


MIT. See license file.