
Parsing historical weather data from Weather Underground

Primary LanguagePython


Python scripts for parsing multiple days of historical weather data from Weather Underground

NOTE: These scripts rely on the Weather Underground API. You will need to obtain your own free API key here.

Script Description Requirements
url2json_requests.py Grabs JSON from URL and saves to JSON file Reqeusts module
url2json_urllib.py Grabs JSON from URL and saves to JSON file
url2json2csv_all.py Grabs JSON from URL and saves to a single CSV file Requests module
url2json2csv_daily.py Grabs JSON from URL and saves to multiple daily CSV files Requests module

Requests module installation instructions found here.

Variables to change:

Variable Description
daySt query start date in YYYYMMDD format
dayEnd query end date in YYYYMMDD format
outPath path to output directory to save files (should already exist)
station station ID (search here)
api developer API Key obtained here

Field descriptions here.

Usage: $ python url2json2csv_all.py