This is a Python wrapping using the C++ Implementation of the test suite for the Special Session on Large Scale Global Optimization at 2019 IEEE Congress on Evolutionary Computation
If you are to use any part of this code, please cite the following publications:
K. V. Price, N. H. Awad, M. Z. Ali, P. N. Suganthan, "Problem Definitions and Evaluation Criteria for the 100-Digit Challenge Special Session and Competition on Single Objective Numerical Optimization," Technical Report, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore, November 2018.
- GNU Make
- GNU G++
- Python
- Cython
- Debian GNU/Linux jessie/sid
- GNU Make 3.81
- g++ (Debian 4.7.3-4) 4.7.3
- Python 2.7 and Python 3.2
- numpy 1.8.1
- cython 0.20.1
It is pending to submit to pip, when it is ready.
Very easy, pip install cec2019comp100digit ;-).
You can also download from, and do python install [--user]. (the option --user is for installing the package locally, as a normal user (interesting when you want to run the experiments in a cluster/server without administration permissions).
The source code in C++ is also available. If you want to compile only the C++ version type in 'make' in the root directory of source code.
There are two equivalents demo executables: demo and demo2.
REMEMBER: To run the C++ version the directory input_data must be available in the working directory. In the python version, these files are included in the packages, so it is not needed.
The package is very simple to use. There is a package cec2019comp100digit with three functions:
- init(fun_id, Dim) Init the function for the dimension selected.
- eval(sol) Eval the solution, when sol is a numpy (or array) of dimension Dim.
- end() Free resources.
>>> from cec2019comp100digit import cec2019comp100digit
>>> bench = cec2019comp100digit
>>> bench.init(3, 10) # Init function 3
>>> import numpy as np
>>> sol = np.random.rand(10)
>>> bench.eval(sol)
>>> bench.end()
- Python package
- Daniel Molina @ Computer Science Deparment, University of Granada Please feel free to contact me at <> for any enquiries or suggestions.
- C++ version <2018-12-08>
- Python wrapping <2018-12-08>