
Public repository for Macquarie University's participation to BioASQ8b

Primary LanguagePython


What is this repository for?

This code implements Macquarie University's experiments and participation in BioASQ 8b.

There's also a docker container with this code and associated resources, ready to run in dockerhub:

If you are using this code, please cite the following publication:

  • Diego Molla, Christopher Jones, Vincent Nguyen. Query Focused Multi-document Summarisation of Biomedical Texts. Working Notes of CLEF 2020 - Conference and Labs of the Evaluation Forum. [arxiv] [datapane]

How do I get set up?

Apart from the code in this repository, you will need the following files:

  • BioASQ-training8b.json - available from BioASQ
  • rouge_8b.csv - you can create it by running the following overnight:
>>> from regression import saveRouge
>>> saveRouge('BioASQ-training8b.json', 'rouge_8b.csv',
               snippets_only = True)

Read the file Dockerfile for an idea of how to install the dependencies and set up the system.

Examples of runs using pre-learnt models

To get the pre-learnt models used in the BioASQ8b runs, please email diego.molla-aliod@mq.edu.au. The following models are available: * task8b_nnr_model_1024 - for neural regression
* task8b_nnc_model_1024 - for neural classification * task8b_bertsim_model_32 - for neural classification with BERT

topn baseline

>>> import task8b
Creating database of vectors word2vec_cnn_200.db
Processing 2020822 words
>>> task8b.bioasq_baseline(test_data='BioASQ-task8bPhaseB-testset1.json')
Processing baseline
Loading BioASQ-task8bPhaseB-testset1.json
Saving results in file bioasq-out-baseline.json

NN regression

>>> from classificationneural import bioasq_run
LSTM using sentence length=300
LSTM using embedding dimension=100
Creating database of vectors word2vec_100.db
Processing 2020822 words
Basic summariser
>>> bioasq_run(test_data='BioASQ-task8bPhaseB-testset1.json', model_type='regression', output_filename='bioasq-out-nnr.json')
Running bioASQ
Reading data from BioASQ-training8b.json and rouge_8b.csv
Loading BioASQ-training8b.json
Gathering training data
Collecting data
End collecting data
Training BiLSTMSimMul(embed100)+pos-relu(50)
Restoring Similarities model from ./task8b_nnr_model_1024
... output removed ...
Model restored from file: ./task8b_nnr_model_1024
Loading BioASQ-task8bPhaseB-testset1.json
100% (100 of 100) |########################################| Elapsed Time: 0:04:15 Time:  0:04:15
Saving results in file bioasq-out-nnr.json

NN classification

>>> from classificationneural import bioasq_run
LSTM using sentence length=300
LSTM using embedding dimension=100
Basic summariser
>>> bioasq_run(test_data='BioASQ-task8bPhaseB-testset1.json', model_type='classification', output_filename='bioasq-out-nnc.json')
Running bioASQ
Reading data from BioASQ-training8b.json and rouge_8b.csv
Loading BioASQ-training8b.json
Setting top 5 classification labels
Gathering training data
Collecting data
End collecting data
Training BiLSTMSimMul(embed100)+pos-relu(50)
Restoring Similarities model from ./task8b_nnc_model_1024
... output removed ...
Model restored from file: ./task8b_nnc_model_1024
Loading BioASQ-task8bPhaseB-testset1.json
100% (100 of 100) |#######################################| Elapsed Time: 0:04:10 Time:  0:04:10
Saving results in file bioasq-out-nnc.json


>>> from classificationneural import bioasq_run
LSTM using sentence length=300
LSTM using embedding dimension=100
Basic summariser
>>> bioasq_run(test_data='BioASQ-task8bPhaseB-testset1.json', model_type='bert', output_filename='bioasq-out-bertsim.json')
Running bioASQ
Reading data from BioASQ-training8b.json and rouge_8b.csv 
Loading BioASQ-training8b.json            
Setting top 5 classification labels 
Gathering training data  
Collecting data   
End collecting data        
Training BERTMeanSimMul+pos-relu(50)                            
Restoring  BERT Similarities model from ./task8b_bertsim_model_32 
... output removed ...
Model restored from file: ./task8b_bertsim_model_32
Loading BioASQ-task8bPhaseB-testset1.json
100% (100 of 100) |########################################| Elapsed Time: 0:02:00 Time:  0:02:00
Saving results in file bioasq-out-bertsim.json

Examples of cross-validation runs and their results

Below are 10-fold cross-validation results using the BioASQ8b training data.

Several baseline systems:

>>> python task8b.py
Method Mean SU4 F1 Std SU4 F1
firstn 0.26051 0.01130
random 0.20981 0.01409
cos_lsa 0.20783 0.00852
cos_embeddings 0.21496 0.00488

Neural approaches

Classification (NNC)

rm diego.out; for F in 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10; do python classificationneural.py -m -t LSTMSimilarities --dropout 0.7 --nb_epoch 10 --batch_size 1024 --fold $F >> diego.out; done

Regression (NNR)

rm diego.out; for F in 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10; do python classificationneural.py -m -t LSTMSimilarities --dropout 0.7 --nb_epoch 10 --batch_size 1024 --fold $F --regression --rouge_labels >> diego.out; done

And similar for the other neural approaches.

For historical reasons, "Dropout" is the ratio of nodes that remain after applying dropout. So, a dropout of 1.0 means that there is no dropout.

Method Batch size Dropout Epochs Mean SU4 F1 Std SU4 F1
NNR 1024 0.7 10 0.264 0.008
NNC 1024 0.7 10 0.271 0.013
BERT untrained 32 1.0 50 0.270 0.014
BERT trained 8 1.0 1 0.261 0.012
BERT LSTM 1024 0.4 10 0.274 0.010
BioBERT untrained 1024 1.0 10 0.262 0.010
BioBERT LSTM 1024 0.4 10 0.264 0.012
Siamese LSTM 1024 0.8 10 0.263 0.010

Who do I talk to?

Diego Molla: diego.molla-aliod@mq.edu.au