- 0
[Security] XSS in
#35 opened by seongil-wi - 1
- 5
Composer package?
#24 opened by adrienne - 5
Problem with perrequest
#8 opened by b4z81 - 0
File Creation Madness
#33 opened by Boyink - 1
Future of this project?
#29 opened by carpusmedia - 3
Critical: WSOD in IE10 and IE11
#32 opened by carpusmedia - 1
Fatal error: require_once() Failed opening required /...spyc.php in /...UAParser.php on line 27
#31 opened by carpusmedia - 1
Blank page on IE Mobile 7.6 / Windows CE
#30 opened by carpusmedia - 7
- 1
Cookies disabled = infinite refresh loop
#28 opened by isGabe - 9
Binary websocket support and IE10
#21 opened by tyssen - 0
SĂ©curity Problem with User Agent Switcher
#26 opened by alainb2p - 0
Bandwidth detection ?
#25 opened by nicooprat - 0
Detector in Wordpress bugs out XMLRPC
#23 opened by michaelschofield - 4
Problems Incorporating with WordPress
#18 opened by isGabe - 2
Detecting JS support
#22 opened by CMCDragonkai - 0
Basic HTML implementation.
#19 opened by rhernandog - 1
- 1
Incorrect spelling in families.json
#17 opened by mbrett5062 - 1
OS and OS version separation
#16 opened by kjfranke - 1
Error relating to spyc-0.5 only on iOS
#14 opened by tyssen - 0
Incorrect height value
#15 opened by PeterWooster - 5
- 4
Adding Classes to the HTML Tag fails
#11 opened by jacmaes - 4
- 2
Per-request tests not running/updating $ua?
#9 opened by rtrvrtg - 1
- 1
Notice: A session had already been started
#6 opened by greenSkin - 1
Notice: Undefined index: pid
#5 opened by greenSkin - 2
Notice: Undefined index: {my cookie}-pr
#7 opened by greenSkin - 1
- 0