Wurm Unlimited Skill Import

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Wurm Unlimited Skill Import

Access the HTML directly by using https://rawgit.com/dmon82/WUSI/master/index.html

This will take a character's skills dumped as a text file from the Wurm Online game client, and create SQL statements to import those values into a Wurm Unlimited server's database.

Wurm Online is the official MMO version of the game, found at http://www.wurmonline.com, while Wurm Unlimited is a separate Steam release, offering a separated experience where users can run their own servers. Both versions are separated, so that playing a character with the same skills as on a user's WO account in WU, skills need to be imported.

This can be done either in-game by hand with Game Master privileges, which is unbelievably tedious and slow to do, or by inserting rows into a database table, which needs careful attention and some assistance (points at this), but is very much possible. It's also about a couple of thousand times* faster.

You can find more information and instructions in its forum thread: http://forum.wurmonline.com/index.php?/topic/133161-wusi-wurm-unlimited-skills-import/

This was largely ported from my c# version by Eluinhost, you can find it here: https://dotnetfiddle.net/IiqT7n

  • Disclaimer: Figure is imaginary but feels about right, and is used in an attempt to be funny.