
Primary LanguageJavaScript

Zillow React Clone

By David Monarrez


This project is a clone of the Zillow website created in React after the site was previously cloned in Angluar. This is practice for React fundimentals and does not include the use of state

styling in react is probably the biggest difference that I am dealing with in the change from angular to react. It is odd not using a traditional stylesheet but it is nice to have everything associated with a single component to be located in a single jsx file

I find my self having to break things up into much smaller components than I did in angular. for example i have broken down the search bar component to its simplest from so that I can reuse it at different times in other components

Realizing that as I continue to build out the clone that my component tree may need to be edited to incorperate more components that I have ended up needing to make

Component structure

component structure Component structrue needs to be redone. Feels like I can always use another component


Had more issues than expected getting the background image to load. finding that I am having to do a little more finagling than before to get the propper styles but likly due to not being quite used to it yet

Unforseen (though not totally unexpected) issues trying to get bootstrap to play nicely with react.

Having a hard time getting used to passing dynamic stateful data to children and grand children. I need this function to be passed to the grnadchild but it still doenst recognize it despite it being passed as a prop

Setup/Installation Requirements

  • Run git clone https://github.com/dmonarrez/react-week-1 in your terminal of choice
  • Navigate to where you put the folder inside your terminal and run npm install
  • After the install is complete you can run npm run start to see a live version of the website.

Known Bugs

If you run npm run lint on pc you will get Expected linebreaks to be 'LF' but found 'CRLF'. It doesn't break the code and will still run correctly when you run npm run start

Support and contact details

Please contact David Monarrez at davidmonarrez3@gmail.com

Technologies Used

scss Webpack React eslint AOS


This Software is Licensed under the MIT License.

Copyright (c) 2019 David Monarrez