
Awesome VirusTotal Intelligence Search Queries

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Awesome VirusTotal Intelligence Search Queries


This repo lists useful Virustotal Intelligence aka Virustotal Enterprise search queries that are useful for threat hunting purposes. Please provide your favorite search queries as pull requests.


Show uploads named "payload" that have less than 5 antivirus eignes detecting them.

name:payload positives:5-

Show uploads named "exploit" that have less than 5 antivirus eignes detecting them. False positives are PDFs, web pages or documents with exploit descriptions.

name:exploit positives:5-

Show uploads that contain the keyword "obfus" in the filename and exclude android samples. (android samples obstruct view) The keyword "obfus" is often found in obfuscated malware samples.

name:obfus NOT tag:android

Show executable files that identify as Microsoft software but are packed with an unusual packer and have less than 10 positive antivirus matches

metadata:"Microsoft Corporation" AND tag:peexe AND ( packer:rar OR packer:upx OR packer:themida OR packer:asprox ) AND positives:10-

Unknown origin - no description yet


Malware hosted on a government URL

itw:".gov" positives:5+

Find PE files submitted to VT, within n-seconds of compilation, that trigger at least 5 detections

subspan:300- positives:5+

You can tune it a bit using: submitter:US - US submitter submitter:web - web submitter submissions:2- - submitted less then 2 times


Show samples with filenames starting with "mimi" (rare) that have less than 5 antivirus engines with matches.

name:mimi* positives:5-

Show samples with filenames ending with "katz.exe" (rare) that have less than 5 antivirus engines with matches.

name:*katz.exe positives:5-

Show samples with some antivirus engines matches. These are often obfuscated Mimikatz variants.

engines:mimikatz positives:5-

Special Threat Related

Example way to find Shamoon using the resource names:

resource:"PKCS7" and resource:"X509"

Reference: https://unit42.paloaltonetworks.com/unit42-shamoon-2-return-disttrack-wiper/

Location Based

Show samples submitted from Germany with low antivirus coverage that could be successful phishing campaigns.

submitter:DE positives:2+ positives:10- (tag:doc OR tag:docx)

Show samples submitted from Taiwan with low antivirus coverage that could be successful NEW phishing campaigns (only 1 submitter).

submitter:TW positives:1+ positives:20- filename:*.eml submissions:1

Malicious submissions from Qatar are rare and often interesting if you're after threats in the Middle Eastern region.

submitter:QA positives:2+

Show samples submitted from Israel with the keyword "Syria" in the filename that have 2 or more antivirus engines matching.

submitter:IL name:syria positives:2+


Hunting signed macOS DMGs with minimum detections (often caused by heuristics)

ls:2019-01-16+ type:dmg positives:2+ tag:signed

Content Searches (New Feature)

Content searches cannot be combined with other conditions.

Search for well-known mimikatz keyword in any type of sample.


Detects phishing documents that ask the user to activate macros

content:"click enable editing"
content:"click enable content"

Detects exploit codes

content:"] Shellcode"