
ipa file information and resigning script

Primary LanguageShellMIT LicenseMIT



Tools and script for examining and resigning ipa files


To install, double click ipaHelperInstall.app and enter your system password.

ipaHelperInstall.app copies:

  • ipaHelper Bash script into /usr/bin/
  • man page for ipaHelper into /usr/share/man/man1/
  • ipaHelper.qlgenerator QuickLook plugin into ~/Library/Quicklook/
  • Resign.workflow resign Automator service into ~/Library/Services/

You may need to restart your computer for the QuickLook plugin and Automator service to work

QuickLook Plugin

The ipaHelper.qlgenerator QuickLook plugin uses the ipaHelper script to quickly display a summary of relevant information for:

  • ipa files
  • app files
  • xcarchive files
  • zip files containing an app file one level deep
  • provisioning profiles

When in finder with a file of one of these file types selected just hit spacebar to display the QuickLook summary.

Resign Automator Service

The Resign service uses the ipaHelper script to resign the following file types:

  • ipa files
  • app files
  • xcarchive files
  • zip files containing an app file one level deep

To use the Resign service, right click a file of one of these file types and select "Resign with..." from the service menu. Then select a provisioning profile to resign the file with.

The Resign service uses the following ipaHelper command:

ipaHelper resign [file] --force -p [provisioning profile] 2>&1

Using the --force option, the Resign service will force match the file's bundle ID to the profile's App ID.

The resigned file will be named filename-resigned.filetype,for example:

MyApp.ipa would be resigned as MyApp-resigned.ipa

xcarchive files will only be resigned as app files, for example:

MyXCArchive.xcarchive would be resigned as MyXCArchive-resigned.app

ipaHelper Script


Get a summary of a file

$ ipaHelper summary /path/to/the/file.ipa

The Summary command works for .app, .ipa, .xcarchive, .mobileprovision, and .zip files (if the .zip file has an .app file one level deep)

Resign an app with a profile

$ ipaHelper resign [theApp] -p [theProfile]

The resign command works on .app, .ipa, .xcarchive, and .zip files (if the .zip file has an .app file one level deep)

The p option is not necessary if there is only one provisioning profile in the same directory as the app.

Resign an app with a profile in your library that matches the app's bundle ID

$ ipaHelper resign [theApp] --find --double-check

The double-check option is not necessary, but it is a good idea to double check that the profile found by the find option is the one you want.

Resign an app with a profile in your library matching the app and other criteria

$ ipaHelper resign [theApp] --find --matching [criteria1] [criteria2] --double-check

The matching command could be used to specify "distribution" to make sure it is not matched to a development profile. Or a specific name of a profile, if there are several matching the same bundle ID.


ipaHelper profile [ file ] [ options ]
ipaHelper find [ file ] [ options ]
ipaHelper info [ file ] [ options ]
ipaHelper summary [ file ]
ipaHelper clean [ file | --all ]
ipaHelper rezip [ outputfile ]
ipaHelper verify [ file ]
ipaHelper resign [ file ] [ options ]
ipaHelper help [ -v ] [ commands ]
ipaHelper open [ file ]



ipaHelper profile [ file ] [ options ]

Checks the profile of an ipa, app, xcarchive, or zip file containing an app file, or shows the information about a mobileprovision file If no file is provided, the first (alphabetically) ipa file in the working directory is used. If no options are present, a summary of the provisioning profile is displayed.

Profile Options

-v, --verbose
display the entire profile in xml format

-e, --entitlements
display the entitlements on the profile


ipaHelper find [ file ] [ options ]

Looks for profiles saved in the users library matching the bundle ID of the ipa, app, xcarchive or zip file containing an app file.

If no file is provided, the first (alphabetically) ipa file in the working directory is used.

Find Options:

-m pattern , --matching pattern
only display profiles matching pattern

-n, --no-wildcard
only display profiles with exact matches to the bundle ID, and not matching wildcard profiles

-a, --all
display all profiles in the users library. Ignores --no-wildcard option

return the profile information in a JSON dictionary


ipaHelper info [ file ] [ options ]

Checks the Info.plist of an ipa, app, xcarchive, or zip file containing an app file, or shows the information about and Info.plist file If no file is provided, the first (alphabetically) ipa file in the working directory is used. If no options are present, a summary of the Info.plist is displayed.

Info Options:

-e editor , --edit editor
edit the Info.plist with editor. If no editor is provided, the default $EDITOR is used.

-v, --verbose
display the entire Info.plist in xml format


ipaHelper summary [ file ]

Displays profile and info.plist information about an ipa, app, xcarchive, or zip file containing an app file. If no file is provided the first (alphabetically) ipa file in the working directory is used.

Summary Options:

return the summary information in a JSON dictionary. Also adds the a key "AppDirectory" for the temporary unzipped app

-dc, --dont-clean
do not remove or zip the temporary app directory after returning summary information


ipaHelper clean [ file | --all ]

Cleans temporary files left over from previous command with the --dont-clean option. If run with the --all option, the entire temp folder for ipaHelper is deleted. If file is supplied, the folder associated with that file is deleted.


ipaHelper rezip [ outputfile ]

Rezips left over temporary files from Summary command with the --dont-clean option as outputfile

Outputfile must be an app, ipa, appex, or zip file.


ipaHelper verify [ file ]

Checks to make sure the necessary code signing components are in place for an ipa, app, xcarchive, or zip file containing an app file. If no file is provided the first (alphabetically) ipa file in the working directory is used.


ipaHelper resign [ file ] [ options ]

Removes the code signature from an ipa, app, xcarchive, appex, or zip file containing an app file, and replaces it either with the first profile (alphabetically) in the directory with file or a specified profile. Resigns file using the certificate on the profile and entitlements matching the profile, zips the resigned ipa file with the output filename. If no output filename is provided, [filename]-resigned.ipa is used. If no file is provided, the first (alphabetically) ipa file in the working directory is used.

Resign Options:

-p profile , --profile profile
use profile for resigning the ipa

-f, --find
look for a profile in the user's library matching the file's bundle ID

-m patterns , --matching patterns
restricts the --find option to only profiles matching patterns

-o filename , --output filename
resign the ipa file as filename instead of [ipa filename]-resigned.ipa

overwrites the original file with the resigned file (ignores the --output option)

-d, --double-check
display information about the file, its Info.plist, and the provisioning profile and have be given an option to continue with the resign or quit

-F, --force
overwrite output file on resign without asking. Uses the profiles App ID if the App ID and Bundle ID do not match.


ipaHelper open [ file ]

Copies file into a temporary file location, unzipped and prints the path to the app file.

If no file is provided, the first (alphabetically) ipa file in the working directory is used.


ipaHelper help [ -v ] [ commands... ]

Displays usage information for the commands.

If -v option is present it shows the usage information for all of the commands.


Marcus Smith