
Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


NPM package for interacting with the Zencoder API.

Requires Node.js >= 0.8

Getting Started

Install the NPM package

$ npm install zencoder

Require the package in your application

var Zencoder = require('zencoder');

Instantiate a new client. This will accept an API Key and a Base URL. If no API key is set, it will look for a ZENCODER_API_KEY environment variable. Base URL defaults to https://app.zencoder.com/api/v2.

var client = new Zencoder('API KEY');


The library follows the API's REST conventions as closely as possible.

To create a new job:

client.Job.create({input: 'http://s3.amazonaws.com/zencodertesting/test.mov'}, function(err, data) {
  if (err) {
    // something went wrong
  // all's well. do something with the response.

Get details about a job

client.Job.details(12345, callback);

Get progress on a job

client.Job.progress(12345, callback);

List jobs. By default this returns the last 50 jobs, but this can be altered in the params hash.

client.Job.list(callback, {per_page: 5, page: 3});

Cancel a job

client.Job.cancel(12345, callback);

Resubmit a job

client.Job.resubmit(12345, callback);

If you'd like to see more examples (along with example API responses), the test suite is a great place to start.