
Ansible to deploy MySQL and NGINX

Ansible Playbook for Debian 11 common config and install NGINX/MySQL


  1. Version 0.001-early-alfa
  2. Needs huge refactoring - rebuild folder structure, roles and plays split/ decoupling
  3. Move all vars to vars/main.yml, secure sensitive vars with ansible vault
  4. Automate scripts to updating roles and ansible dependencies
  5. Needs testing


This playbook will configure fresh (green field) Debian 11 server with common params, install basic software,

You need to install couple Ansible collections wich are not included in ansible-core. To check whether it is installed, run "ansible-galaxy collection list".

To install it, use:

ansible-galaxy collection install community.general

ansible-galaxy collection install community.mysql

ansible-galaxy install geerlingguy.mysql

ansible-galaxy install geerlingguy.ntp

To run playbook use:

ansible-playbook playbook.yml -i development.ini

TO be done:

Directory layout to be developed

production.ini            # inventory file for production stage
development.ini           # inventory file for development stage
test.ini                  # inventory file for test stage
vpass                     # ansible-vault password file
                          # This file should not be committed into the repository (.gitignore)
                          # therefore file is in ignored by git
    all/                  # variables under this directory belongs all the groups
        apt.yml           # ansible-apt role variable file for all groups
    webservers/           # here we assign variables to webservers groups
        apt.yml           # Each file will correspond to a role i.e. apt.yml
        nginx.yml         # ""
    mysql/           	  # here we assign variables to mysql groups
        mysql.yml    	  # Each file will correspond to a role i.e. mysql
        mysql-password.yml# Encrypted password file
    ansible.cfg           # Ansible.cfg file that holds all ansible config
    webservers.yml        # playbook for webserver tier
    mysql.yml        	  # playbook for mysql tier

    roles_requirements.yml# All the information about the roles
    external/             # All the roles that are in git or ansible galaxy
                          # Roles that are in roles_requirements.yml file will be downloaded into this directory
    internal/             # All the roles that are not public

    setup/                 # All the setup files for updating roles and ansible dependencies

Encrypting Passwords and Certificates

Implement ansible-vault to encrypt sensitive data.

There is also git-crypt that allow you to work with a key or GPG. It's more transparent on daily work than ansible-vault